Vote for Oliver Snelling in Lewisham North

Caribbean Labour Solidarity supports Oliver Snelling, the Communist candidate in Lewisham North.

Oliver Snelling is a local trade unionist, a peace activist, an anti-raids volunteer, a stone carver and a long-time resident of South East London.

As a member of Lewisham Stop the War Coalition he has led thousands on marches down the streets of Lewisham in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in opposition to imperialist attitudes at home and abroad.

As an anti-raids volunteer he has presented a physical barrier at immigration raids, defending local people from the racist police and the hostile policies of the Home Office.

Oliver would be proud to accept this endorsement for his campaign to represent the people of Lewisham North in parliament as a member of the Communist Party of Britain, and to continue to stand in solidarity with black workers across Britain today, carrying on the legacy of Claudia Jones and the many other great anti-racist comrades of our party from before and since.

The Communist Party’s Lewisham North campaign centres on:

  • Rent controls
  • End outsourcing and fight for decent jobs
  • Stop arming Israel and for a free Palestine

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