Sign the Petition Jamaica must support the Palestinians…
Demonstrations in Jamaica, Barbados and Belize and a public meeting in Trinidad
Watch a video of the Meeting in Trinidad…
The CLS banner was on the march in London, along with well over half a million other demonstrators.
Our friends in Jewish Voice for Labour, who have been on the demonstrations with us have issued a statement which finishes by saying: There cannot be peace without justice, dignity and equality for all, Palestinians and Israelis, Jews, Christians and Muslims – all who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. NOT IN OUR NAME, STOP KILLING GAZANS, NO MORE APARTHEID, END THE OCCUPATION, FREE THE HOSTAGES, FREE THE DETAINEES
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) organised a rally in the Southern Indian State of Karela attended by more than 50,000 people cutting across political affiliations.
Jewish Voice for Peace has organised demonstrations in New York, occupying Grand Central Station, The Statue of Liberty as well as a sit-in at the US Capitol building in Washington.
The ‘other’ Palestine protesters quietly shutting down arms factories
Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves…

Countries that have withdrawn their Ambassadors