Issue 25 of Cutlass is now available to download here…
Articles on:
- Hands off Haïti, Ne touchez pas à Ayiti
- Communist Party of Kenya Rejects President Ruto’s Proposal to Deploy Kenya Police to Haiti
- Solidarity with the People of Palestine
- The Labour Party must restore the whip to Diane Abbott MP
- Merely closing the borders is not an answer
- Jamaica teachers (and nurses) leaving in droves
- Book reviews
- Nazneen AhmedPathak, City of Stolen Magic
- Arun Kundnani, What is Anti-racism? And why it means Anti-capitalism
- Tessa Murphy, The Creole Archipelago: Race and Borders in the Colonial Caribbean
- Conference Held at Ella Baker School of Organising
- The Politourgeoisie and Stolen Independence in Barbados